Education, Protection & Help for Children (EPHC)

EPHC supports local community projects, when possible, and to this end they are particularly involved with providing the education, protection and help that these children desperately need.

As a charitable Nepalese non-governmental organisation, based in Jorpathi, Kathmandu, they offer free education to disadvantaged children from the street and carpet factory environments. Such children remain in the school until Upper Kindergarten level, when they move on to formal primary school. At this stage the education is no longer provided by the state and there is a need for sponsorship to cover the costs of the following 10 years schooling; until the completion of the School Leaving Certificate.

Over the last couple of years EPHC has enabled about 30 children to move on through sponsorship by clients and other friends, and not only has this made an enormous improvement in the children's prospects for the future, but it has also removed an insupportable burden from the poor parents and families of the children concerned.

Further information about EPHC and other proposed projects can be found on their website.

At EPHC in 2010

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